One of the main ways that we work out how to calculate a percentage of a number is by converting the percentage to a decimal first. In order to do this, we find 1% of the number by dividing it by 100%. Once we've done that, we multiply our answer by the value of the percentage we're looking for.
To find 1% of something (1/100 of something), divide by 100. Remember how to divide by 100 mentally: Just move the decimal point two places to the left. For example, 1% of 540 is 5.4. And 1% of 8.30 is 0.083.
In addition to being able to earn money, becoming a game tester can be a rewarding experience. As a game tester, you'll typically gain access to the latest games, which means you'll have an insider's view of the gaming industry.
The role of a tester can often be stressful and require persistence and patience. That said, the rewards that come with helping a game become ready for market are well worth the effort.